3D dental imaging, which is also called Cone Beam Computed Tomography or CBCT, allows us to see a larger, more detailed picture of the mouth and surrounding tissues.
A CBCT scan shows the position of your natural teeth, the amount of available bone in your jaw that can be used for implant surgery and the position of nerves, blood vessels and sinus cavities that must be avoided during implant placement.
3D CBCT scans can also identify the size, extent, and effects of conditions such as infections, cysts, and tumors. The high-resolution 3D dental imaging allows practitioners to more accurately visualize internal anatomy, assess risk, and plan treatment and surgery.
During 3D dental imaging, the CBCT scanner rotates around the patient’s head, obtaining up to nearly 600 distinct images, then pieces them together to view them as one continuous image.
With the high resolution images provided by 3D scans, we are now able to accurately diagnose immediately or screen for procedures such as:
Dr. Anastasios Mamalis Periodontotist – Dental Surgeon BSS DDS MBA MSC PH
At “Athens Perio Μάμαλης Αναστάστιος” we have all the high-end dental equipment.
We will contact you in 24 hours so as to schedule your appointment or call us at +30210 7297771
2 Papadiamantopoulou Str. and Vasilisis Sofias Av., Athens