elenΒασ. Σοφίας & Παπαδιαμαντοπούλου 2, Αθήνα 2107297771Δευτ. - Παρ: 9:00 - 21:00



Greek & International Publications

1. Books and/or chapters:

Mamalis A, Markopoulou C. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Periodontal and Maxillofacial Bone Regeneration and Repair; Novel Biological and Clinical Experimental Evidence. In: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins: New Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY, USA (under publication).

Mamalis A. Silvestros Sp. Osteocalcin in Alveolar and Maxillofacial Bone Turnover; Production, Regulation and its role on Periodontal Diseases. In: Osteocalcin: Production, Regulation and Disease Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY, USA (under publication).

2. Selected publications in Hellenic Dental Journals;

1) Kamberos S, Gisakis I, Mamalis A, Kalivas D. Frequency of tooth impaction in a Greek population. A clinical and radiographic study of 940 cases. [Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 13(1): 49-58, 2002]
2) Kamberos S, Gisakis I, Mamalis A, Kalivas D, Farmakis E. Frequency of permanent teeth absence. A radiographic study in 800 Greek patients [Greek Stomatologic Chronicles 46: 38-43, 2002]
3) Kamberos S, Gisakis I, Mamalis A. Frequency of multiple tooth impactions. A radiographic study in a Greek population with 3 or more impacted teeth. [Odontostomatological Progress, 56(3): 449-447 2002]
4) Mamalis A, Silvestros S. Bone morphogenetic proteins – BMPs. Historical evidence-mοlecular structure-mechanisms of action. A literature review. [Odontostomatological Progress 57 (3) 435-449 2003]
5) Mamalis A, Xenoudi P, Silvestros S. Root coverage of fixed prosthodontics abutments with subepithelial connective tissue graft. A case presentation. [Contemp. Dent 23 (3) 163-176 2003]
6) Chronopoulos V, Mamalis A, Karathanasopoulou D, Silvestros S. Root amputation in molars – fixed prosthodontics abutments. [Contemp. Dent 23 (4) 241-251 2003]
7) Mamalis A, Silvestros S. Bone morphogenetic proteins-BMPs. Delivery systems-clinical applications-side effects. A literature review. [Odontostomatological Progress 58 (2) 303-312 2004]
8) Dima E, Manta E, Athanasiou K, Mamalis A, Silvestros S. Biological principles of osseointegration – the influence of the implant surface. Part I. [Contemp. Dent 24 (3) 145-152 2004]
9) Xenoudi P, Floratos S, Mamalis A, Silvestros S. The existence of heterogeous lineages of gingival fibroblasts and their significance to the pathogenesis and healing outcome of periodontal disease. A literature review. [Contemp. Dent 24 (1) 36-53 2004]
10) Dima E, Manta E, Athanasiou K, Mamalis A, Silvestros S. Biological principles of osseointegration – the influence of the implant surface. Part II [Contemp. Dent, 25(2)108-114 2005]
11) Mamalis A, Tsigeris E, Silvestros S. The application of platelet rich plasma to the treatment of intrabony defects by means of guided bone regeneration. [Contemp. Dent, 25(2)81-93 2005
12) A. Mamalis, P. Xenoudi, & Sp. Silvestros. Implant therapy in a periodontally compromised patient. the summers’ modified osteotome technique. [Hellenic Dent J 2005, 15: 37-44]
13) Tzerbos F, Silvestros S, Mamalis A, Sklavounou A, Rontogianni D. Histiocytosis Langerhans with systemic manifestations and clinical symptoms of refractory periodontitis. a case report. [Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol 6 (3) Jul-Sept 2005; 133]
14) Mitsias M, Mamalis A, Chronopoulos V, Silvestros S. Guided bone regeneration procedure with the use of an absorbable collagen membrane and simultaneous placement of endosseous implants. [Contemp. Dent. 25(4) 183-191 2005]
15) Silvestros S, Georgiou E, Mamalis A. Sinus floor elevation in a periodontally treated patient applying the modified Summer’s technique. [Odontostomatological Progress 59 (3), 2005 331-342]
16) Tzortzakis N, Mamalis A, Silvestros S, Koutsilieris M. Sexual hormones and periodontal disease
[Odontostomatological Progress 60 (3), 2005 329-339]
17) Spyridon S. Silvestros, Anastasios A. Mamalis, Ioannis A. Vrotsos. Guided bone regeneration and implant site development. Novel perspectives. [Hellenic Dent J 2006, 16: 37-42]
18) Anastasios A. Mamalis, Spyridon S. Silvestros. Cytotoxic evaluation of a composite resin, light cured and self bonded composite cement and glass ionomer cement in cultures of human periodontal ligament cells. [Contemp. Dent. – accepted for publication]

3. Selected peer-reviewed publications:

1) Gerasimos Douvitsas, Ioannis Gisakis, Anastasios Mamalis, Neratzo Koutsouri. A survey examining the attitudes of general dentists about their undergraduate dental education. [Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 2002; 6:85-90]
2) Mamalis A. Smoking and oral cancer: knowledge of risk factor status among navy recruits in greece. [TIDS Journal Vol 3 Iss. 1 p. 67 2005]
3) Silvestros SS, Mamalis AA, Sklavounou AD, Tzerbos FX, Rontogianni DD. Eosinophilic granuloma masquerading as aggressive periodontitis. [J Periodontol. 2006 May;77(5):917-21. PubMed PMID: 16671887]
4) Xenoudi P, Mamalis A, Silvestros S. Subepithelial connective tissue graft in a localized, plaque-induced ulcerative gingival recession: a case report. [Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2006 May; 27(5):296-300; quiz 301, 316. PubMed PMID: 16708463]
5) Dereka XE, Markopoulou CE, Mamalis A, Pepelassi E, Vrotsos IA. Time- and dose-dependent mitogenic effect of basic fibroblast growth factor combined with different bone graft materials: an in vitro study. [Clin Oral Implants Res. 2006 Oct;17(5):554-9. PubMed PMID: 16958696]
6) Pepelassi EA, Markopoulou CE, Dereka XE, Mamalis AA, Vrotsos IA, Koutsilieris M. Platelet-rich plasma effect on periodontally affected human gingival fibroblasts: an in vitro study. [J Int Acad Periodontol. 2009 Jan;11(1):160-8. PubMed PMID: 19192580]
7) Dereka XE, Markopoulou CE, Mamalis A, Vrotsos IA. Effect of rhBMP-7 combined with two bone grafts on human periodontal ligament cell differentiation. [Growth Factors. 2009 Oct;27(5):274-9. PubMed PMID: 19606370]
8) Mamalis AA, Markopoulou C, Vrotsos I, Koutsilirieris M. Chemical modification of an implant surface increases osteogenesis and simultaneously reduces osteoclastogenesis: an in vitro study. [Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Jun;22(6):619-26. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02027.x. Epub 2010 Nov 11. PubMed PMID: 21070383]
9) Mamalis A, Markopoulou K, Kaloumenos C, Analitis A. Splinting osseointegrated implants and natural teeth in partially edentulous patients: a systematic review of the literature and a case report. [J Oral Implantol. 2010 Nov 12. Epub ahead of print PubMed PMID: 21073343]
10) Pantou AL, Markopoulou CE, Dereka XE, Vavouraki H, Mamalis A, Vrotsos IA. The effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) combined with a bone allograft on human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells. [Cell Tissue Bank. 2010 Dec 1. Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21120699]
11) Mamalis AA, Silvestros SS. Analysis of osteoblastic gene expression in the early human mesenchymal cell response to a chemically modified implant surface: an in vitro study. [Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 May;22(5):530-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02049.x. Epub 2010 Dec 2. PubMed PMID: 21121959]
12) Markopoulou CE, Dereka XE, Vavouraki HN, Pepelassi EE, Mamalis AA, Karoussis IK, Vrotsos IA. Effect of rhTGF-β1 combined with bone grafts on human periodontal cell differentiation. [Growth Factors. 2011 Feb;29(1):14-20. Epub 2010 Dec 3.PubMed PMID: 21128741]
13) Mamalis A, Markopoulou C, Lagou A, Vrotsos I. Oestrogen regulates proliferation, osteoblastic differentiation, collagen synthesis and periostin gene expression in human periodontal ligament cells through oestrogen receptor beta. [Arch Oral Biol. 2011 May;56(5):446-55. Epub 2010 Dec 3. PubMed PMID: 21130420]
14) Mamalis A, Silvestros S. Modified Titanium Surfaces Alter Osteogenic Differentiation; a Comparative Microarray-Based Analysis of Human Mesenchymal Cell Response to Commercial Titanium Surfaces. [J Oral Implantol. 2011 May 9. Epub ahead of print PubMed PMID: 21554083].
15) Mamalis A, Cochran DL. The role of hypoxia in the regulation of osteogenesis and angiogenesis coupling in intraoral regenerative procedures. [The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry- accepted for publication on December 21st, 2011].
16) Papaioannou KA, Markopoulou CE, Gioni V, Mamalis AA, Vayouraki HN, Kletsas D, Vrotsos IA. Attachment and Proliferation of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells on Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) Membranes in the Absence or Presence of Nicotine: An In Vitro Study. [Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011 May-Jun;26(3):509-19.]
17) Mamalis A, Cochran DL. The therapeutic potential of oxygen tension manipulation via hypoxia inducible factors and mimicking agents in guided bone regeneration. A review. [Arch Oral Biol. 2011 Dec;56(12):1466-75. Epub 2011 May 28. Review. PMID:21621191]
18) Mamalis A. Effects of implants surface modification, shape, design and material on the success of bone integration. [Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering-accepted for publication on May 5th, 2011]

3. Selected abstracts:

1) X. E. Dereka, C.E. Markopoulou, E. Pepelassi. A. Mamalis, I. A. Vrotsos. Effect of bFGF combined with different bone grafts in bone regeneration. [Clinical Oral Implants Research Vol. 15, No. 4, August 2004; p.15 (abstract)
2) X. E. Dereka, C.E. Markopoulou, E. Pepelassi. A. Mamalis, I. A. Vrotsos. MMP-1, MMP-8 mRNA levels in periodontally diseased gingival tissues. [Final Program & Abstract Book, CED/ NOF/ ID IADR Meeting August 2004; p. 67 (abstract)]
3) Silvestros S, Mamalis A, Krithinakis S, Georgiou E. DNA microarray analysis of osteoinductive properties of commercial implant surfaces. [Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 18, Iss. 5 Oct 2005; cxxxv] (abstract)
4) Mamalis A, Silvestros S, Chatzidakis I, Tsangaris G. DNA microarrays analysis of the osseointegration potential of hydroxyapatite coating. [Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 17, 2006; xli] (abstract)
5) A. Lagou, K. Markopoulou, A. Mamalis, I. Vrotsos. The mitogenic effect of TGF β1 and 17β estradiol on human PDL cells. an in vitro study. [Journal of Clinical Periodontology Vol 33 Supplement 7 2006 p.27] (abstract)
6) Dereka X, Markopoulou K, Mamalis A. Three-dimensional type I collagen cell culture systems for the study of periodontal ligament cell differentiation. [Journal of Clinical Periodontology Vol 33 Supplement 7 2006 p.67] (abstract)
7) Pantou AL, Markopoulou K, Mamalis A. The effect of platelet-rich plasma on the proliferation of human periodontal ligament cells, alone or in combination with a bone allograft. [Journal of Clinical Periodontology Vol 33 Supplement 7 2006 p.70] (abstract)
8) A. Mamalis, K. Markopoulou, S. Silvestros, I. Vrotsos. Different titanium surface treatment influences initial adhesion and proliferation of human osteoblast-like cells (mg-63). an in vitro study. [Journal of Clinical Periodontology Vol 33 Supplement 7 2006 p.78] (abstract)
9) E. Pepelassi, X. Dereka, C. Markopoulou, A. Mamalis. Differences in MMP-1 and MMP-8 gene and protein expression patterns between chronic and aggressive periodontitis [Journal of Clinical Periodontology Vol. 33 Supplement 7 2006 p.55] (abstract)
10) Dereka X, Markopoulou K. Pepelassi M, Mamalis A, Vrotsos I. Evaluation of BMP 7 osteogenic differentiation potential to PDL cells [Bone, Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Apr-May-Jun 2007] (abstract)
11) Markopoulou K, Dereka X, Mamalis A, Vrotsos I. DFDBA and PEPGEN P-15 effects to the differentiation of PDL cells. [Bone, Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Apr-May-Jun 2007] (abstract)
12) Dereka X, Markopoulou C, Pepelassi E, Mamalis A, Vrotsos I. Effect of BMP-7 with bone grafts on periodontal ligament cells. [Final Program & Abstract Book, CED/ NOF/ ID IADR Meeting 2007 (abstract)]
13) C.E. Markopoulou, X.E. Dereka, T.P. Vrahopoulos, A. Mamalis, I. Karousis, I.A. Vrotsos. Effect of TGF-b1 with bone grafts in periodontal cell differentiation. [Final Program & Abstract Book, CED/ NOF/ ID IADR Meeting 2008 (abstract)]
14) T.P. Vrahopoulos, C.E. Markopoulou, X.E. Dereka, A.A. Mamalis, I.A. Vrotsos. Chlorhexidine’s effects on human osteoblasts, periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts. [Final Program & Abstract Book, CED/ NOF/ ID IADR Meeting 2008 (abstract)]
15) X.E. Dereka, C.E. Markopoulou, E. Pepelassi, T.P. Vrahopoulos, A.A. Mamalis, I.A. Vrotsos. Enamel matrix derivatives effect on human periodontal ligament cell differentiation. [Final Program & Abstract Book, CED/ NOF/ ID IADR Meeting 2008 (abstract)]
16) K. Markopoulou, G. Bobetsis, A. Mamalis, X. Dereka I.A. Vrotsos. Enamel matrix derivatives modulation of human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2, 4, 7 gene expression by human periodontal ligament cells. [Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Volume 36, Issue s9 (p 1-39) p.31 (abstract)]
17) K. A. Papaioannou, C. E. Markopoulou, D. Kletsas, A. Mamalis, V. Gioni, I. A. Vrotsos. Attachment and proliferation of human osteoblast-like cells on resorbable guided bone regeneration membranes (in vitro study) [Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Volume 36, Issue s9 (p 40-220) p. 72 (abstract)]
18) A. Mamalis, K. Markopoulou I. A. Vrotsos. N2 and NaCl effect to the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of periodontal ligament cells in sandblasted and acid etched titanium surfaces [Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Volume 36, Issue s9 (p 40-220) p. 73 (abstract)]
19) A. Mamalis, C. Markopoulou, X. Dereka, Y. Bobetsis, I. Vrotsos. Enamel matrix derivatives alone or in combination with bone grafts can modify cell attachment, proliferation, osteoblastic differentiation and osteoprotegerin production of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. [International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 21 (Suppl. 1): p. 32 (abstract)]

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Dr. Anastasios Mamalis Periodontotist – Dental Surgeon BSS DDS MBA MSC PH

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